NRF24L01 Module
For my final project, I need wireless communication between 2 boards. I decided to go with NRF24L01 with the RF24 Arduino Library.
There are other ways to talk to the NRF24L01 that you will find here
Here is how to wire the NRF24L01 to your FabDuino, in my case I made my own with ATmega328p, which is the same as the Arduino UNO
In the Arduino IDE
Running the example Code:
or Arduino file menu: File > Example > RF24-master …
Once I upload the sketch I get the following serial data on both of my Arduinos. You need a pair of Arduino with NRF24L01 to test this, but you should get the message below with just one.
Note: Serial. bud rate is 57600
Transmitting joystick potentiometer
Modeling nRF24 communications with two Arduinos::
Create a data structure for transmitting and receiving data
This allows many variables to be easily sent and received in a single transmission
struct dataStruct {
unsigned long _micros; // to save response times
int button_r;
int button_l; //
int button_up;
int button_f;
} myData;