week 00 // final project modeling

For my final project, I would like to design a modular toy robot to engage and teach young children various aspects of engineering and computer science. I envision that the robot could be assembled from a large array of similar parts (like Legos), and depending on the pieces in contact, the robot could be programmed to do different things.

Doing a bit of research, it looks like a number of companies are already producing a few of these types of toys. In particular, I found Robe Wunderkind to be very interesting. They are a set of blocks that can be connected and they even have an adapter to allow you to use your existing Lego kits with their blocks.

A few others I found included cubelets from modrobotics, and Moss from the same company. Moss seems extremely versitile, and they have a cool promo video before their launch in 2014:

Most of these robots seem to use cubes as the building blocks, however I also found CellRobot, which uses spheres:

However, for one reason or another, it seems like these modular toy robots are not taking off. Popular Science wrote about them way back in 2013 and it doesn't seem like a whole lot has happened since then.

wanted it to be made out of as few cmponents as possible, to start. For now, thinking of an action figure.

shold also be able to move. depending on whcih blocks put where, maybe moves different ways