Going back to the old board - trying to solve the problem with the intense routing right under the 2 x 3 header, drilling through holes in order to saulder individual pins through so that it would be easier. This however did not work and I resulted back into the 2 x 3 jumper but my programing functions where still not working so I decided to make a new board.
The problem however, in making the new board when trying to make things easier by sauldering connections through, I inversed the pins and I kept getting an error fromt he board where it would blink orange when connected backwards but red when connected the correct way. My pins where inversed, so I had to saulder individual pins back to the new board.
Going around this, going back to the old board, ripping off the pins, re sauldering and then finding the main connection problem, it ended up working.
Coding in C really helped understand what happens under the hood at a base level with other IDE's such as arduino. Where as here turining on an LED is literally turning on and off bits, whereas in Arduino IDE for example, this is classified into what is called a class and that class is called by typing one word. It makes it more user friendly, but coding in C helps understand the fundamentals on all those classes work and are formed.