For this week I decided to build one of the parts in the potential final project. the project includes parts similar to piano hammer that hit on a string and will be controlled by stepper motors. I first design a hammer positive in fusion 360.
Then I used MasterCam and Rhino to prepare the model for machining with shopbot. The process involved a rough and a scallop cut. for both of them I used the 1/8 flat end mill. while I was preparing the file I realized the machine can't actually go in between the wall and the alignment markers. so I had to change the alignment marker only a piece in the middle of the model. Later I realized that this is not the optimal way and I needed at least 2 to have the two silicon pieces aligned and not rotate.
Next I created a cast out of the 2 mirror parts. I added extra borders using cardboard. Immediately after I poured in the material I tapped the piece to remove any remaining bubble. afterwards I didn't see any clear sign of bubble in the part
I used the drystone to create the final product. The first try was not successful due to the side of the hole that I had in the first design. The drystone was too viscous to go through the hole even though I made the it wide enough to let the air flow out. In order to accommodate this, I created extra path using exacto knife on the silicone piece
After adding the new pour in holes I was able to get all the material inside. the final product did not have any bubble and looked solid. I started testing it on the table to check the rigidity, but after a about 10 taps the handle broke off.