
Week 06
C - Language

Remaking the Board
Programming The Board

This week we programed an ATtiny44 microcontroller using the USBTiny Programmer we created from Week 03. We were asked to add a push button and LED to a modified PCB layout from Eagle. We used Eagle to add our button and a LED to the schematic. I had an issue setting up the board for programming - one of the pins was not connected correctly so I had to fuse a wire which jumped over the ATTiny44 to the correct resister.

Circuit Board Design Failed


Programming the board was a bit of a nightmare - all of this is foreign to me and I relied on websites of previous years for the information. The .c, .make, and .hex business. The code you write is saved as a .c file. I used TextEditor to write and edit my code. With the .c file you need to create a .make, file which includes a compilation of program commands that translate your code (.c files) into machine code (.hex files) for the microcontroller. This is the code I used from Kelly Shaw in the HTMAAA 2011 class: // LED Button Blink Program #include #define F_CPU 1e6 #include #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 int main() { //SETUP //Button is on PA3 //LED is PA7 PORTA= _BV(PA3); //Turn button pullup resistor on DDRA = _BV(PA7); //Enable output on the LED pin PORTA = _BV(PA7); //Turns LED on //LOOP while (TRUE) { if ((PINA & _BV(PA3))) //button is not pushed { PORTA = 0; //turn LED off } else { PORTA = _BV(PA7); //turn LED on _delay_ms(1000); PORTA = 0; _delay_ms(1000); } } }

Circuit Board Blinking


It was a long and tedious process, nothing seemed to work - eventually with the help of Justin and Paloma we were able to trouble shoot some of the issues and install a program to get the board to blink.