3D Scanning and 3D Printing

I used this week to learn how to 3D Scan and Print models. Furthermore, I spent time to refine my final project idea. Below is our team meeting with Tom and John from the CBA lab.


There were two types of scanners, but I ended up using the Sense to see if I could scan my face.

<image> <image>

Tried to imitate the whole Han Solo thing. SOlIDIFYY!!


Next we moved to 3D printing. Below is Pinar's image of the test block.


I tried to expand on my Final Project design for the smartglasses. Learned how to use the Combine function to add shapes together.

image <image>

The STL file looked pretty smooth!


Just for kicks I 3D-printed it on a friend's Ultimaker 2 printer, and it actually fit on my face perfectly! The nose area was the smoothest. Second version with the newer elements was on the STRATASYSSSSS.

<image> <image>

Special thanks and credit to Tom and John from the CBA shop for their patience and willingness to work with us.