As a photographer, I have always dreamed of creating my own camera. I carry around my Nikon DSLR almost everyday. I know what settings will snap the perfect profile picture, but I don't know the mechanics hidden within the body. While a full digital camera may be out of the scope of the class, I hope to at least create an antique inspired film camera. I would love to create my own 35mm film camera for the final project.
Update: Creating a 35mm film project that incorporates all the weeks, especially all the electronic weeks, seems very difficult to do. It also sounds very tedious with the chance of failure as high. Instead I will aim to create a panoramic time lapse mount. This mount would go between a tripod and camera. It would have rotational motion, at varying speeds, to pan a camera during a time lapse. This would give the resulting timelapse a panning motion, panoramic effect.
I attempted to model a camera, but after extensive research about what parts are necessary I am still unsure what pieces are required or how to really start modeling it. Instead, this week, I decided to model my favorite animal, the giant panda. For this I decided to use Maya because Maya has extensive sculpting tools. I started with a simple cube, before dividing and extruding to get the general, but blocky desired shape. One the most helpful tools was the x-symmetry tool, which allowed me to create a panda symettric on both sides very easily. Afterwards I used p value selection and extrusion to round the panda to get the final curved shape. Then I used the pen tool to mark out small features, such as the eyes, nose and paws, and then extruded that to give the panda detail. I used the rounding tool to round the edges around the head and arms. At the end, I used Maya's smoothing algorithm to smooth out the rought edges of the panda.