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Interface & Application Programming

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This week's mission is to write an application that interfaces with an input &/or output device that I made, comparing as many tool options as possible.

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D3 Visualization


Visualizing VR/AR usage data

Since my final project is related to AR, I want to make a visualization of VR/AR trend. I found the TechCrunch posts data from Kaggle and used d3.js to implement the visualization.


Bubble, line, bar

These are the basic visualization types. I found the data of VR/AR global shipment and people's interests from Statita.


Code Snapshot


Eye tracking interfacing Unity serial to Arduino

Arduino code


Unity code

A-Frame Web VR

Eye tracking interfacing Unity serial to Arduino

P5.js Drawing

The drawing canvas is at the bottom of this page. Hover your mouse to draw.
