Not trying anything ambitious this week since I'm trying to catch up to everyone due to my week long flu!! :(
So... Basically just used all the same components as found in Neil’s speaker output board.
Followed the same scematic as Neil and placed all the compenents and wiring in Eagle. Didn't try to deviate from the design so to keep things as similar as possible to prevent any random issues in the future. If I have interest in doing a any modifications, I will do so after making this identical one first.
Couple parts were difficut to determine based on the Neil's board. So if any of you are also confused, here are the two parts that you probably also will have issues.
IC2 5V is regulator_SOT23
After milling the board and soldering all of the parts. I tried plugging everything in; however, the speaker began to smell like melting plastic, so I unplugged everything
At this point, I ran out of time. Will continue to update as I complete the rest of this project.