As a tribute to biology, I decided to make a helical structure for the 3D printing project. Was interested in allowing the units to rotate but also be confined at a certain point. Created a ridge that allowed the units to stop at the same rotational spacing as the unit below. Also, created a poll in the center of all the units so that they can rotate around the same axis.
When 3D printing this device on sindoh, I realized that the sindoh settings were not adding any supporting automatically. So I had to manually add supporting to my design. Later found out that the support is a automatic feature, but had to go to the settings to adjust toggle this feature. Although they have this as an automatic option, I found that the locations I placed my supports were more ideal than where the machine would have automatically placed them. It was already difficult to remove the supports in the locations that I placed it, and if the machine would place them everywhere, this would have been a really big pain to deal with.
Attempted to conduct 3D scanning with a classmate. we tried many methods to do a full 3D scan. For example, we tried scanning on a string, the floor and on a stool. The string lead to distortions because it seems like the subtle movements of the object dangling distorted the 3d scan. Also, it was difficult to move smoothly when trying to scan on the floor so this also lead to distortions. Lastly, we tried scanning on a stool and this seem to work out well. Below is an print screen on the scanned object, which was a yellow vegetable.