This week we are learning how to mill and construct a circuit board. First, we became familiar with the milling process. Example of the milling device below.
To becoming familiar with the our milling machine, we were interested in testing the the limits of the milling device. Below is an example of testing how small of a internal and external structure it can mill. The below figure suggest the device can mill internal structures of ~0.015 and external structures of >0.001. This process can allow us to know the limits of milling and for better design of future circuits when using this device.
When attempting to mill the circuit board, I realized the the board was not leveled. This was clear since the milling device was only able to mill part of the design and demonstrated a gradient of milling depth, as can be seen by the example below. To solve this problem, I instructed the device to mill at a higher part of the board. This lead to a successful milling process.
Below is the final product. Although I have had prior experience with soldering, this was still was challenging due to some of the small closely positioned pins, especially on the micro-controller chip. Some solder joints do not look ideal, but the device does work when plugged in. Since it is currently functional, I will re-make if there are any signs of failure in the future.