Kenny Friedman, Week 06
computer-controlled machining
CNC Kenny
This week was a crazy week. We used a CNC machine in N52, and I created a makeshift-Kenny. I will be out of town during the class (at a conference in Berlin), so I need a version of myself to diligently pay attention and take notes.
The good news is that my makeshift Kenny was created. The bad news is he appears to have no input or output devices, and doesn't seem to have a conscience. I hope I can find the notes from someone else.
I made this cut out of myself in Sketch, because I needed to do it very quickly, and I have the most experience using Sketch. There is one cut out, to keep the main piece standing straight up.
I did run into a problem: there was a nail, to nail down the OSB to the sacrificial piece, directly in the path of the bit. The bit ran into the nail, so we had to hit the emergency stop button.
Nothing was harmed, so we should have been able to resume. However, we used the emergency stop that was on the machine, instead of simply using the software stop. Therefore, there was no way to resume the cut.
Due to time and resource constraints, I used the band saw to finish the cut, to allow other people to use the machine.
I wonder if a top down projection system can be used to show where the path will cut, as an extra level of confirmation of the tool path. Interesting research idea...
CNC Photos