Week 7 - Embedded Programming
2018, Oct 17
- Harvard architecture, RISC, microcontroller
- ATxmega&ATmega is more powerful then ATtiny.
- Arduino is calling gcc to compile C programme
- Turn on the in-board pull-up resistor: write 1 on an input
- c library: avr-libc
- Arduino as ISP programmer tutorial: http://highlowtech.org/?p=1695
#define led_pin (1 << PA2)
#define btn_pin (1 << PA3)
in the main function
DDRA |= led_pin; // set LED PA2 to output
DDRA &= ~btn_pin; // set button PA3 to input
PORTA &= ~(led_pin); // initialize the led output to be low
while (1) {
if ((PINA & btn_pin) == btn_pin) {
PORTA |= led_pin;
PORTA &= ~led_pin;
// Output the button status in serial
// buffer[0] = '0' + ((PINA & btn_pin) == btn_pin);
// put_string(&serial_port, serial_pin_out, buffer);
And it works!