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Adobe Illustrator
Roland CutStudio Plugin


Roland Camm-1 GS-24

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Creating a Decal for Kelsey's Office


My office door, with decal When I got my new office over the summer, I celebrated by creating a large dusted vinyl decal for my office sliding door. The project received a lot of attention, particularly from my office neighbor, Kelsey.

Kelsey's office door, sans decal So, for this project, I promised Kelsey I would add some decorative vinyl to her door, too.

Design and File Prep

Kelsey requested a silhouette of the Boston skyline. Several years ago I traced the Boston skyline in Adobe Illustrator from a photo, so I used the design I had on hand to get things started. I remember when I first started tracing photos in Illustrator by hand the Pen Tool took a while to master. I've liked to a couple Pen Tool Games in the resources section which I had found helpful.

The following images chronicle my process. Hover over each image for a brief description.

Cutting and Application

At this point the design was ready to be cut on the vinyl cutter. I had some dusted vinyl left over from my previous project. I ended up cutting this design twice; I forgot to check the force setting on the vinyl cutter since the dusted vinyl is thicker than what we typically work with, and had to re-cut since it didn't cut all the way through the first time. Once the design was cut successfully, I weeded away the excess vinyl, applied application tape, and applied the decal to Kelsey's door.


Overall I think it came out pretty well. It's possible to see some remaining air bubbles upon close inspection, but when viewed from the front they become nearly invisible, even at a close distance.