Week 13: Wildcard Week

Sheet Metal (and Composites)

Sheet Metal

1. Introduction

This week was wildcard week so we could choose from a variety of different topics that we were interested in and didn't cover in class. I decided to attend a composites session with Rob since I was very interested in the topic and it was at Harvard. Then, I went to the Sheet Metal session at MIT with Sara Falcone. I ended up making a box for my roller skate parts using sheet metal since I needed to make an encasing.

Figure 1. Getting a tutorial from Sara Falcone on how to use the FabLight to cut steel.
Figure 2. The metal shearing can be used to create flat metal bars. Dang it makes loud noises!
Figure 3. Using the metal bender to bend the sheet metal at a 90 degree angle.
Figure 4. Using the spot welder to stick two pieces of metal together.
Figure 5. Using the Solidworks sheet metal tool to make flanges at the edges easily.
Figure 6. Layers of separation between two layers of sheet metal.
Figure 7. Folded view of sheet metal box.
Figure 8. Unfolded view of sheet metal box to cut on FabLight.
Figure 9. My set up when setting the cut for FabLight on FabCreator.
Figure 10. Layout of sheet metal to cut.
fablight setup
Figure 11. Checking to see if the cut is properly on the origin.
Figure 12. Actual cutting of the sheet metal.
metal bending
Figure 13. Bending the metal with a clamp and "handbender".
Figure 14. Using clamps to hold onto sheet metal when the metal bender or "handbender" can't be used.
Figure 15. Having a metal piece inside the whole encasing to hammer against.
Figure 16. Dang I've been starting to look like a blacksmith.
final product
Figure 17. Final Product!
Figure 18. Getting my hands dirty by doing real engineering.
composite lay out
Figure 19. Lay out a paper and plastic cover so that the epoxy doesn't stick on the table.
composite cloth
Figure 20. Layer the pieces of cloth or carbon fiber to make composite thicker.
cutting canvas
Figure 21. Cutting up the trashbag with holes to release resin from composite.
Figure 22. Vacuum pressuring the inside of the bag to suck out the excess epoxy.