How To Make Almost Anything Neil Gershenfeld


MIT Center For Bits And Atoms


Fab labs share an evolving inventory of core capabilities to make (almost) anything, allowing people and projects to be shared. These are my projects.

Input Devices -


This week our individual assignment was: "measure something: add a sensor to a microcontroller board that you have designed and read it".

This week I opted to design and build an accelerometer since I think it might be a nice addition to my final project, a bluetooth motorcycle helmet. Next week I will try to output the accelerometer's information to an LED screen. I'd like to find a screen small enough that I could position it in the peripheral vision of my helment's viewport. This was I could see the speed in my peripheral without taking my eyes off the road.

The process went well this week, there were only two minor setbacks. I milled my board on the first shot and went straight to soldering. I had a little trouble with reflowing the ADXL343 but got it on and went to program. When the program didn't work I re-reflowed my ADLX343 and then noticed that I had misread the schematic. What I thought was two 1uf capacitors was actually a 1 and a .1, and with that fixed it worked like charm!

Download Files

Fig.1 Board (Note: Fig.1-4 taken from the relevant section on accelerometers here). To download high quality files in zip format click here.

Fig.2 Traces

Fig.3 Interior

Fig.4 Components

Fig.5 Reflow

Fig.6 my board

Fig.7 my board for scale

Fig.7 It's working!