My original plan was to use an ATmega328p as my central microcontroller. Off of that board I would have the receiving radio module and also be physically connected to the relay switch. There would also be a transmitting radio module working with an ATtiny84 that would be sensing the water. This unfortunatly did not completely come to fruition because of integration problems. Below is the hand drawn schematic of what I was thinking for this project.
Below is a video from the lab of the radios successfully detecting a signal from the water sensor, communicating that to each other and the user, and the power being controlled by the water sensor signal.
While I did have functioning nRF240L01s and code, working water sensors, and functioning ATmega circuit boards, my idea for integration did not work and then I ran out of time. In the spirit of circular project development, for the MIT fair I decided to use breadboards with Arduino just to have a working demo and show the circuits I had made that weren't integrated. In the end the demo did not even work because I need two computers in order to run the radios. Normally I use my laptop and the desktop in the lab. However after trying 3 laptops at the presentation, none of them would run the code, all for different reasons. I have photos anyways of the setup at the presentation. Additionally, below that are photos and a video of the full proper setup that I took when I went back to the lab after the presenatation.