I finally settled on what I'm going to do for my final project and this is going towards it.
I made a temperature sensor that will turn on when a button is pressed and turn off when the
button is pressed again. The circuits I use in the final project will definitely be more complex
but this is a start and I figure I can always connect several if needed.
This week I did not do great with time because I had a huge exam in my quantum mechanics class on Tuesday
so I completed most (all) of this project in the morning. Here is a video of the experience. (*side note: my phone camera app is broken
making it so that I can only take photos and video in snapchat. However, snapchat video is kind of the way to go because they are already in mp4
format, often times already a managable size, and also you can comment on them)
Milling this week was a noticably different experience to milling in the past because of where I was/am
in stages of concussion recovery. This week I was able to turn on as many lights as I wanted while in previous
weeks I was definitely very conscious of keeping the miling room as dark as allowable in previous weeks. So here is
a photo of me milling in the light
And here is my final circuit board
I have yet to actually put the code and the circuit together because of timing issues. But it does have
to get done because final projects are coming up fast