

3D scanning & printing

This week I 3D printed a mini lampshade. I created the 3D model in Fusion 360. I used "project" to create two parallel lines and then extruded them against the lampshade body to get an intersection of 2 strips.

Fusion 360 has a great feature called "pattern" which allows you to create a circular pattern around an axis and specify the number quantity as well. I used this to create my meshes ans paramaterize the complexity.

I exported the model into an STL file, and then used the 3D printer software to turn the file into gCode. The ETA for the print was around 1 hour.

Additional supports were printed to allow for the mesh to stabilize when printing, which I took out.

The second part of this week was on 3D scanning. Using the SENSE software, I scanned my face, my hat, and then my shoes!

