Electronics production
The first circuitboard I milled and soldered following the standard procedure. (I added my name to the design to give it a bit of a personal touch)
I successfully programmed my board, and my computer recognized it as an USBtiny.
Subsequently, I tried a different fabrication method using the lasercutter. When using the vinyl cutter to cut copper traces, the traces get released from their substrate and get tangled up. So I removed the substrate and directly stuck the copper on acetate. Cutting this assembly will keep the copper traces in place while cutting. Moreover, it is still easy to remove the unwanted copper parts afterwards. I wanted to use the acetate as a base for a flexible circuit board. So I cut the traces first, and then used a couple passes to cut the acetate in the circuitboard perimeter.
Soldering the components was a bit more risky, because the heat of the soldering iron can melt the acetate. However, being very careful paid off. After soldering on the components, the acetate only showed some minor damage. And the circuitboard still proved to be quite flexible.
I programmed the flexible board using my first PCB, and it worked.
© Copyright Lara Tomholt 2018