This week’s assignment was to read a microcontroller data sheet then to make the microcontroller we designed, milled, and stuffed in week 5 “do something”.
I began this week’s assignment by climbing into the AVR-microcontrollers C programming rabbit hole. By ingesting various How to Make (almost) Anything guru’s tutorial slide decks and getting lost in their hyperlinks, my brain gradually began to put it all together. I am amped about beginning this journey and look forward to supplementing my data sheet reading with Elliot Williams’ book AVR Programming: Learning to Write Software for Hardware which I ordered off Amazon.
I have only begun entering the world of code this fall. At the Harvard Graduate School of Design, I am taking an Introduction to Computational Design: Space with Panagiotis Michalatos. We are primarily working in C# with the goal of designing more effectively in Rhino/Grasshopper. While the C and C# syntax is not the same, structurally, understanding C# has made working in AVR C less intimidating.
What has been most thrilling this week has been thinking about and working with code at the level of bits. Because of this, though I programmed my microcontroller using Arduino’s C-based programming language and then with Neil’s adapted hello.ftdi.44.echo.c program, I enjoyed using Rob’s ultra-raw program the most. While Rob and I agree that in the long term, Neil’s is more elite because of its amenability to editing and expanding, Rob’s was a clearer window into how AVR C works which was more complimentary to what I’ve been reading.
(Impromptu class with Rob Hart)
(Integrating Rob's class material into my own notes and logic)
A quick word on using an Arduino program, CHECK THE ARDUINO ASSIGNED PIN NUMBERS. These are different than the pin numbers outlined in the Attiny44 data sheet. For instance, on the data sheet PB2 (where my LED is connected), is associated with pin 5 but in Arduino, it is associated with pin 8. The goal of the Arduino program was the same as Neil’s and Rob’s… when I push the button, the LED lights up and when I lift my finger off the button, the LED turns off. After programming my microcontroller with an Arduino program borrowed from a past year’s student’s site, this simple relationship between light and button was totally erratic. I suspect it could have to do with the lag time resulting from the retrieval of functions in the Arduino library which I’ve heard is an issue.
The following is a deduced summary of what I’ve learned thus far about embedded programming in AVR C.
Next, I found thinking about the three registries in the below order and writing code that refers to these registries also in the same order helpful…
This is hard to articulate, but essentially the DDSx, PORTx, and PINx are all looking at the same 8 bit indices of x but each registry is relating to the x indices differently. So, DDSA = 0b00000010 and PORTA = 0b00000010 and PINA = 0b00000010, says “PA1 (Port A-1) has an output direction, is spitting out 5 volts, and is turned on”. Do you see what I mean by the same index now, in this case all for the 1 index in Port A? Also, as an example, 0b00000100 can be written as (1 << 2) or (1< For more on bit-mask operations and registers, check out this crystal clear article: Here is the program written by Rob that I adapted for my microcontroller. Unlike the board’s run with the Arduino based program, it worked very consistently. You can use the Arduino IDE for straight-up AVR C, but keep in mind, that if you do, use these settings accessed from the Arduino Tools dropdown menu: