Building a Machine
I knew this week was going to be kind of crazy for me, prepping for the holiday both at home and at work. So I was careful not to bite off more than I could chew, and volunteered for the Assembly team.
A few of us met just after class to start brainstorming, and several of us met again on Friday to "practice" assembly.
The main assembly happened Sunday and Monday afternoon, after the Design team made some adjustments to the track and trolley.

Between myself, Kate, Hannah, and Zaria, we were able to assemble the track and trolley pretty quickly. I sort of took point on assigning people to jobs - mostly only because I wanted to get home and eat dinner. Priorities, you know?

We did run into a few areas where we had to hack stuff together. One bolt hole had been stripped somewhere along the line, so we needed to accommodate that in the base plate.

Then, we discovered that the support rail was eeever so slightly too far to one side, and interfered with the smooth travel of the trolley. It was probably about a millimeter off, maybe even due to warpage of the board, but enough to catch. So Zaria and I removed and repositioned the track.

After that, it was up to the Programming team to make it work!