<br> ###Using BLE RN4871 ####(In process of editing and adding material 11/28/18) This is a bluetooth module that can do several things. So far, I have followed Neil's example to connect it to a phone, and have programmed two modules to connect with each other. I have used them as wireless serial connections. #### Designing board. I started with [Neil's hello-world board](http://academy.cba.mit.edu/classes/networking_communications/RN4871/hello.RN4871.ftdi.png) with some modifications: - Add an LED to indicate 3.3V power, and one connected to the p_02 pin of the module to indicate operation of bluetooth device. - [link to Eagle library](./RN4871-V_RM118.lbr) which has symbol and footprint. #### Connecting to module with computer. [This tutorial](http://www.martyncurrey.com/arduino-with-rn48701/) got me started. #### Communicating with phone. --- [user guide](http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/50002466B.pdf) has commands. Very useful and readable. #### Connecting two modules to each other. Mounted a second module. Woke up with services 00. See user sheet: needed to give it command "SS,C0". This one now reads and writes to/from phone. Look at bonding, and whether that makes it easier to connect two devices. - Put in command mode. Make sure service is C0. - connect using c,0, {mac address} - bond using b. - now when both are cycled: - put in command mode - send command "c CR" - should see "Stream_open" and devices send trpansparently to one another.