# Soumya Ghosh
## About Me
I am a first-year PhD student in the Physics department at Harvard University. I work in experimental particle physics, a field which demands an engineering and general hands-on skillset that was not taught or emphasized in my undergraduate physics coursework.
Partly to remedy that, I'm taking MAS863, "How to Make (Almost) Anything", taught by Neil Gershenfeld at MIT, in order to learn fabrication skills which I hope will be useful in my work.
I also enjoy making music and coming up with strange ways to make new noises, and am hoping to put my newfound skills to use in making new digital instruments, synthesizers, and other objects that interact using sound.
The class is made up of weekly projects which you can browse below.
+ [Week 0 - Final project proposal and updates](week0/week0.html)
+ [Week 1 - Computer-controlled cutting](week1/week1.html)
+ [Week 2 - Electronics production](week2/week2.html)
+ [Week 3 - 3D printing](week3/week3.html)
+ [Week 4 - Electronics design](week4/week4.html)
+ [Week 5 - Computer-controlled machining](week5/week5.html)
+ [Week 6 - Embedded programming](week6/week6.html)
+ [Week 7 - Molding and casting](week7/week7.html)
+ [Week 8 - Sensors](week8/week8.html)
+ [Week 9 - Output devices](week9/week9.html)
+ [Week 10 - Machine building](week10/week10.html)
+ [Week 11 - Interface and application programming](week11/week11.html)
+ [Week 12 - Networking and communications](week12/week12.html)