Seven Segment Display and Communication between Breakbeam Board for my Pinball Machine

This week I continued progress on my final project by connect my seven segment display to my break beam board, an Arduino Uno, that counts score and sends it to my seven segment display. As a recap, I am using seven pins, pins PA0 - PA7 to connect to my LEDs, FTDI header and 2x3 pin to program my board. The schematic and visual of said board can be found below. In addtion, this board would have a 3D printed overlay with transparent PLA to allow one LED to light an entire segment as traditionally understood.

This week I connected one of seven segment displays to my break beam board. As the plan currently stands, the break beam board is connected to my seven segment display via a serial bus line along the Rx and Tx pins. None of the seven segment displays communicate with the breakbeam board but they are given their own individual addresses which relate to a letter. The break beam sensor isn't yet connected to the playfield to count score but when it is, the score is counted within the arduino. Then the board will communicate each seven segment display the correct digit by correlating what place value a number is in and what the equivalent number place value is. Everytime the score is updated, the arduino then communicates which board should display which number. The serven segment displays on act if their address is in the communication. This week, I only worked with one board and only had it complete the actions if the arudino board sent the address "a". As such, I programmed the board to light up with all the digits with "a" being the first character it looked for. The display showing all digits can be found in the video above.