How To Make (almost) Anything
This week's assignment was to redraw the echo hello-world board and add abutton and LED with current-limiting resistor. After attending the recitation, I chose to use Eagle and used this fab library by Jake Rose. however, I had a seriously challenging time getting the library to load, mainly because I am a novice. Also, it wasn’t until late in the game that I realized you could use the "name" function in the schematic so my board looks like a total cluster f*** :-).
I also had a challenging time finishing the board without making sketchy/close paths that might short. There were a few places that I was able to slightly adjust to make space, but I'm concerned that it still might short.
I created the trace and outline PNG files, which can be used on MODS. You can see my documentation on milling PCB boards here.
I ran into an issue with my trace (pictured on the left) where I didn't push the 1/64 drill bit down close enough to the board and it didn't mill all the way through.
Next step was to solder the components. I selected a 499 Ohm resistor for the LED.