Few weeks ago I asked Neil about live stream cameras, and he told me about the ESP32
I want to do something with it for my thesis, so I was very excited to try working with it
but I also realized I have much more work to do before I can do something with it.
I milled the board, but than, when I wanted to solder the components, I found out
we ran out of the 8 pins headers in the arch shop, so my soldering was delayed in one day
because I needed to go to the X shop to get the parts.
I solder it easily but but when trying to upload the Arduino sketch I got an error. I tried to figure it out with Diego, the TA,
and after a lot if attampts we found out that the ESP32 itself doesn't work. we replaced the camera board and it finally worked.
So we managed to stream it to my compiuter, but the final goal will be to stream it live to a webserver.
I also tried the face recognition option, that will be essential to my project.
I really just wanted to make sure that it's working, but now i need to design the board to have
a battery or a cable to charge all the time. that would definitly will be challanging
I also still didn't make it communicate with other boards - but it will be defenitly
so something that I would need to do for my final project!