this week was about adding an input sensor to a board and i went with the HC-SR04 Distance Sensor because there was one in the elevtronics shop and it seemed cool
i used neil's board as a template and used eagle to design my own board out of it. i wasn't really into spending a lot of time in designing the board and tried out eagle's auto-route feature. this gave me two vias and after talking to zach about them, i decided to go ahead with them. i also dabled with creating the peremeter of the board through a polygon that i then made part of the milling layer.
after my first mill, the holes for the sensor were milled, by the vias weren't. i looked at the rivets that we had and they fit the holes for the sensor so i went back to eagle and resized the vias to be the same size.
after my second mill, the vias did get milled and i was able to rivet them.
i then stuffed the board and used a copper wire to connect the two vias instead of milling on a double sided board.
i used niel's c code to program the board and used his python code to interface with the board and the computer.
the programming worked and i successfully tested the input device!