This week we are supposed to incoporate an output device on our board.
For my final, I want to do a light timer, so I went with the RGB LED light this week as an output device.
I used Neil's board as a first attempt to test out the effect of this RGB LED, but later I will add a botton to control the initiation of the light-timer.
I downloaded the png files for trace and outline, then I cut it on the destop cnc in CBA electronic shop.
I also picked all the electronic parts out, preparing to solder.
With the help of solderring flux, I made the board. (My soldering skill is getting a lot better, no need to trouble-shoot the board anymore!)
The first step is to download all the files from the website, including the c file and make file.
Because it is an output device, it need a seperate power supply. So I connected a 9V battery (there's a regulator on the board, which handles a max of 35V power supply).
I connected the avr programmer to the ISP head on the board. The light on the avr turned green, yeah!
Time to program! Again, I just followed the same tutorial for the embedded programming week.
sudo make -f hello.RGB.45.make program-avrisp2
The LED lighted up and started to change color from red to green to blue.
I want the LED to have only two colors (red and green) and transform from one to the other over a set period of time (like a timer/hourglass).
So I edited the c code file. I changed the order of the color and delete one routine of red to blue. I also changed the delay time to 10s.
However, there seems to be something wrong with my code, and the programmer cannot properly program the LED.