For my final project, I will be using an array of LED's to display a meter that fills up as the shot percentage increases. So, I decided to begin with the simple RGB LED circuit from Neil's page.
I designed the board in eagle. First was the shematic and then the board. I used all of Neils parts, as listed below.
I created the monochrome images for my board
OutlineI then milled them on the Roland using the 1/64" and 1/32" end mills. The board was a bit scratchy but with some light sanding it came out pretty smooth.
After milling and getting the components, I noticed that there were no RGB LED's like the one I saw. So I decided to make one just to test the board for now. I noticed the way I designed the board was using a common anode LED. So I soldered the 3 R G and B LED pins to the anode pin labeled A, abd soldered the other ends to their respective cathode pins. When testing the individual LED's aready soldered, the G and R pins would light up using a DMM but not the Blue LED. So I decided to replace it, but even after it still did not light up. So I decided to continue anyway. It was weird because the LED's turn on fine using the DMM when not connected in the circuit.
From the CBA class site, I downloaded the "make" ".c" and the ".py" files for the mag board. I saved them into a common folder and using the command line, indexed into it and ran the make file. It works! If the files are not successfully run, then try using this guidefor debugging. Below are several states of the board from Neil's code.
I then decided to power the board using the pins in the 2x2 header. The input was 6V to the pins, and through the regulator, to then power the rest of the board. It works as before! Now time to find an RGB LED for better results.