HTML is a language commonly used to describe webpages. There are a lot of great guides out there, so I'll just cover the most common parts. The w3schools site is remarkably good for a quick reference.


Headings can be created using the <h1> to <h6> tags. The headings decrease in size from <h1> to <h6>.







Images can be added using the <img> tag. You need to provide the src attribute so it knows which image to display. That attribute can be either a relative path to the image file from the directory the html file is in or the url to an image file. If you provide either the width or the height attribute, you will set that dimension of the image and the scale factor will be preserved. If no size is set, the default image size will be used. Most image formats like jpg, png, svg, etc. are supported.

<img src="path/to/img.jpg" width=100>
<img src="" height=100>


Links can be added using the <a> tag. You need to provide a target for the href attribute so the link can point to something. If you put a url for the attribute, the link will open that url. If you put a relative file path, the link will open that file. You can point to files other than text files, but they may display in nonsensical ways.

<a href="">Link Text</a>
<a href="path/to/file.txt">Link Text </a>


To include code, use the <pre> tags to prevent the text inside from being formatted.

def randomCode():
    # Whitespace is preserved
    return False


To hide parts of your HTML file, you can mark them as comments. This is especially useful for hiding sections which you are still working on.


Mimicking the Course Website

<body link="black" alink="black" vlink="black">
<font face="bitstream vera sans,arial,helvetica,sens-serif">