W10 - Networking and Communications
- Design, build, and connect wired or wireless node(s) with network or bus addresses.
- Send a message between two projects.
Designing the board
This week, I built a board that has RF communication enabled by an NRF240 module. The board is based on an ATTINY1614 MC, NTC resistors as temperature sensors, and includes a debugging and power LEDs. The goal for this week was to build a device that could communicate with another device. I chose to go wireless due to the fact that my final project will be based on wireless communication. I used EAGLE to deisgn my board.

I did not run into any issues during design, milling and soldering except for some small surgeries that had to be done with small traces that come from the NRF module. I think my vcut is getting worn down so I'll get a new one for further board milling.

I made two identical boards so that one would be used as a transmitter and the other as the receiver. This is what they look like.

Programming my board...
This week I made separate codes for each one of my boards. One of the boards acts as a transmitter. It uses RF to send its unique ID along with the last temperature reading. The board blynks when it was succesfully sent a message. The receiver board listens on RF and prints the information that it receives through serial. It blynks when it receives a packet correctly.
Transmitter Code - Device uses NRF240 to transmit its unique ID along witht the current temperature reading.
RF24 radio(1, 0);
int refPin = 6;
int ntcPin = 7;
int ledPin = 3;
const byte addresses [][6] = {"10911", "10917"}; // MSN, MSG
const char myID[6] = "ID0000";
void setup() {
pinMode(refPin, INPUT);
pinMode(ntcPin, INPUT);
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
Serial.println("Starting Up Radio!");
radio.openReadingPipe(1, addresses[0]);
Serial.println("Radio has been started!");
Serial.println("Ready to begin!");
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
Serial.print("Temperature is: ");
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
Serial.println("Sent New Data!");
float read_temp() {
float Vref = analogRead(refPin); //Reference Voltage.
float Vntc = analogRead(ntcPin); //Tension on NTC.
float Intc = ((2*Vref) - Vntc) / 10000;
float Rntc = Vntc / Intc; //NTC Resistance Calculation.
float Tk = 1 / ((log(Rntc / 10000) / 3750) + (1 / 298.15)); //Scale resistance to temperature in kelvin.
float Tc = Tk - 273.15; //Convert from Kelvin to Celsius.
return Tc;
void send_rf_data(float message) { //Function sends a command via radio. Takes string as argument and converts to char to send.
//char mess[4] = "000";
char temperatureValue[6];
char fullmessage[14];
strcpy(fullmessage, myID);
strcat(fullmessage, ":");
dtostrf(message, 6, 2, temperatureValue);
strcat(fullmessage, temperatureValue);
//strcpy(mess, message.c_str());
radio.write(&fullmessage, sizeof(fullmessage));
Receiver Code - Device uses NRF240 to receive and print information from transmitter.
RF24 radio(1, 0);
const byte addresses [][6] = {"10917" , "10911" }; // MSN, MSG Reversed from transmitters
int refPin = 6;
int ntcPin = 7;
int ledPin = 3;
void setup() {
pinMode(refPin, INPUT);
pinMode(ntcPin, INPUT);
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
Serial.println("Starting Up Radio!");
radio.openReadingPipe(1, addresses[0]);
Serial.println("Radio has been started!");
Serial.println("Ready to begin!");
void loop() {
void print_radio() {
if (radio.available()) { //Looking for the data.{
char incoming[14] = ""; //Saving the incoming data
radio.read(&incoming, sizeof(incoming)); //Reading the data
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
And here is my Demo! Click to start video.