Well this was my first attempt at making something additively that could not otherwise be made subtractively.
Butttttt, then Anthony said it could be made subtractively (albeit it might be hard). So then I made this puzzle cube where you can drop a small ball in one hole and manipulate the cube to make it come out the other hole.
It's difficult to see inside, but this wireframe view exposes the internal shapes. My friend Emily helped me a lot to figure out how to best make these internal cylinders and view them. I ended up making a lot of skethces on the faces of the cube and then extruding circles on offset planes into the cube. For the diagonal cylinder across I learned how to loft between two circle faces, which is a super cool feature I hope to use later.

I had to play around with FFMPEG for a while to get my video to be less than 10MB. In the end it came down to mostly directly setting the bit rate using -b:v (I set this one to 800k). The video started at 54.3MB and is now 5.3MB. Hopefully this gives you a better idea of how the labyrinth cube works!
Going along with the theme of rock climbing I decided to scan a grigri, which is a belay device for climbers so that they don't fall. Grigris also have automatic locking mechanisms that stop the person from falling even if their partner isn't paying attention.
I finished a little early this week, so I experimented with a couple drawings I had and tried to vinyl cut them. I put those pictures under Week 1 because they had to do with vinyl cutting. And then I got to work on Week 3. I think I'm going to build a hangboard using the wood.