I decided to go with the ATtiny1614 microprocessor board which was shown in the tutorial due to lack of time because of how long it took me to get clank up and running. First, I reviewed the datasheet for the microprocessor.
I needed to figure what this thing was, what it does, what all the pins do, etc.
Here's the data sheet:
Link: DataSeet tiny1614!
I chose to use Eagle. I followed the tutorial made by Anthony closely and asked him a lot of questions.
We started by drawing a schematic where we throw down all the components. The components I have are the following:
-ATtiny1614 microprocessor
-3x Ohm resistors
-a 1MOhm resistor
-1 2 pinhead connectors
1 4 pin header
-a 6 pin FTDI header
-an H-bridge
-A copper plate
-a mosfet
I then connected all the parts. Here is the schematic of the circuit with all its components and connections:
Then I moved on to generate the physical footprint and routing traces.
Here's the final:
I exported a png of this and uploaded in mods to generate the gcode in mods. However, my clank gave me a lot of issues so I used the .brd file at the eecs shop and cut out the circuit there on the other mill instead.
Here is the png of the trace:
The other mill is so much easier to use!
I uploaded the brd on it, set the traces, set the speed.
Then I cut a piece of copper for traces, stuck it on the other mill firmly. Next, the drill bits. For our purposes we need 1/64th in drill bit and 1/32th inch. I made the traces first so I first loosened the drill bit holder on the other mill, making sure the existing bit doesnt fall on the bed. Then I inserted the 1/64 and tightened it. Then I hit run on the screen.

Here you can see the circuit I cut

Here's a video of me cutting a circuit:
Here I take off the extra copper.

Next step is soldering to stuff my board with the above mentioned components. However, at this point we have no idea if any of the components will talk to the computer. We will find out.

Here's a video of me soldering a circuit to finish the electronics product.