Week 12

Compare as many tool options as possible

App Inventor

App inventor is a scratch-based development environment created by MIT to create apps for Android phones. It is very easy to use with a drag and drop GUI but is not very powerful (although someone actually made Mincraft in it :0).


MATLAB is a language (although some would disagree with that claim) generally used for signal processing, system modeling, and data visualization. It's fairly easy to use, but you won't be able to do super complex things in it. Because it's so high-level, it's also not very fast.


Python is a high level language that still can perform well. It has lots of libraries.


Java....sux idk what to tell you.


Javascript is often used in the creation of websites. It is apparently about 5 times slower than C++, meaning it's really fast. As opposed to HTML/CSS which are also used for website creation, Javascript can be used to make websites more interactive.

C and it's variants

C is a low level language that is fast, but not as easy to learn as some of the other languages/environments. C++ is often used in the creation of video games.


Used AJAX to dynamically update websites as opposed to not doing so like Evan did on his website. With AJAX you have javascript running on the html page that updates sepcific parts of the website without having to refresh the entire page. This proved to be very useful. Plus you have the advantage of then having an interface that is online and we are able to use the html skills/website skills we have been working on this semester.