Week 11 Output Devices
For my output devices week - I just worked on improving my stepper motors from the earlier week. I already worked on many output devices in the prior weeks.I used an SAMD17 for my stepper motor in Week of electronics production. The new SAMD21 controller is in the final project documentation - along with the breakout board of SAMD17 + Zach's DRV8438. Runs only stepper motor for now. I am hoping when I am done stuffing the SAMD21 it can drive more motors but milling SAMD21 is so long due to the thin traces. I only got around to making the SAMD21 board this week and couldn't stuff it yet. I am hoping to do this during the final project week. So far I got the SAMD17 and ESP32 to drive a motor so I am hoping three motors with SAMd21 will workout fine as well. I am concerned about the power output from the adapter I have but if I switch off the z-axis motor during the XY motion i am sure my 3A 12v adapter is more than enough.The board traces are added to the final project documentation -https://fab.cba.mit.edu/classes/MAS.863/CBA/people/manvitha/project.html