
Group Work

Test 1: Angle Test

Testing Design Rules for FlashForge Creator Max 2 printer

Test carried out by Suvin Sundararajan



This first test used the model from the HTMAA course website.

This was made to test the tolerance that we could print outwards from our model, something that subtractive processes cannot do.

Picture of Trace

The test ranged from 0 degrees (90 from the table) to 90 (180, straight line).

This was printed twice, once on each type of printer. This was especially important for the new Flash Forge as it’s a new model for the lab.


The printer was able to tolerate angles of up to almost 90 degrees with good accuracy, and up to 10 degrees it had very little drip. Without anywhere to bridge the filament, the 90 degree struggled to form but was able to successfully create a few layers. The top of each angle is perfectly straight and level with the surface. While these prints work for the short length angles, longer ones might need to be tested in the future to be able to judge print distance past a few millimeters.

angle test angle test angle test angle test

Additional Group Tests

Link to bridge test by Takeo

Link to print sizes by Nico