Final Project Ideas
1 . Balanced Rocks [Pebbles] Assembly
[rockblock] is a machine that computes a packaging for non regular forms [rocks] and find the optimal balanced composition before it begin building that composition with a 5-axis robotic arm.
To do so, firstly, a camera would give the computer a scan of the [rocks] which using computer vision would outline them to process an optimal composition based on mathemathical center of gravity calculations.
The process will also compute the grip location and orientation. The robotic arm, using a gripper at its end [either suction head, sand bang or a soft material grip] would begin the assembly.
The irregular 3-Dimensional aspect of the rocks might be challenging to scan from all dimensions.
5-axis robotic hardware and software.
Fine griping method

2 . Automated Slingshot

3 . EarBlock
4 . Maskless City Pigeon