Speech to Reality : Making Words Reality
Speech to Text to Mesh to Voxel to Toolpath to Assembly to Reality
Project Description
Our project this week was done by me and the amazing + awesome Se Hwan Jeon.
We decided to develop a speech-to-text-to-mesh-to-voxel-to-toolpath-assembly-physical pipeline.
My part consisted of developing interfaces to take in speech from his laptop, generate a 3D mesh, and then use Rhino/Grasshopper to convert them to low-resolution voxels.
Speech to Text - Accessing Microphone and Speech Detection. I used Google's Free Speech Recongition API
Text to Mesh - Command Line Interface / app.py . The whole interface is run by app.py to combine multiple python script into an app.py as a command line interface which allows user to interact with the whole pipeline chain instead of plugging into multiple scripts manually.
There are many options from text to mesh avaible such as luma.AI, Polygen, and Mesh GPT
Voxelization - Informed Sorting / Assembly Sequence. The voxels have the be sorted in a correct order. The order that work best is bottom up, and then the voxels that with support, and then the cantilever voxels.
Assembly - Finding Origin
More on robots at Se Hwan's site https://fab.cba.mit.edu/classes/863.23/Architecture/people/Se/assignments/week_14.html