PCB Milling Week!
Booting up Frankenstein
So now it's time to see if this chip really works! I ended up switching to a XIOA-ESP32-S3 "Sense" microcontroller (I thought the bluetooth would be helpful for conversation at a distance with mr robot). So I'm following a new protocol to get micropython up and running. (https://wiki.seeedstudio.com/XIAO_ESP32S3_Micropython/)
Importantly, since I'm running on a mac, instead of using device manager I ran 'ls /dev/cu.*' from terminal to get the connected port, so to flash I ran 'esptool.py --port /dev/tty.usbmodem14301 erase_flash' (putting here for prosperity's sake)
Also for prosperity: I've had to do this for each new seeed microcontroller: unplug the microcontroller, press and hold the BOOT button, connect the microcontroller via USB-C then release the BOOT button
Also this week, I took an angle grinder to the satellite face & ordered some linear motors & offset hinges from online. He's on his way...