Week 09 - inputs
group page // repo source files // objectives
bno085 >
neat well-featured imu that was mentioned in class, decided to bring it to supercon for a weekend of fun hacking and proceeded to do nothing with it over the weekend.
probably a picture of me unsuccessfully probing an 0201 led during the soldering competition
however! found some late inspiration and combined code from a previous week (week 3?) with the bno085 library.
an hmi to surpass mouse and pad?? >
first, I installed the bno085 library and verified my wires connected and parts functional:
then, I proceeded to make mouse calls using the imu library:
as you can see, this hmi is too powerful to be confined to my paint program and proceeded to disrespect my other programs.
final project - portable soldering workbench (name wip) >
on an unrelated note, I’ve completed my pivot to my new final project and made a proto-proto-type to bring to supercon; it was pretty successful! missing some requirements, but the project itself feels well on its way. received multiple cues that I should document the project so I can share ideas better :)