Self voice activity detecting wearable for privacy preserving intelligence augmentation. The Self-VAD is a wearable that transcribes/records only the wearer and no one else.
Project collaborator: Wazeer Zulfikar (ideation and software)
First, I knew I was going to use the XIAO nrf52 Sense Board, so I got a 3d model of that. I also knew I was going to use this batter, so I downloaded a 3D model of a Lipo and scaled it to match the size of this 105 mAh Lipo
Then started the CAD in Fusion360:
I printed, installed the electronics, and then kept iterating to get perfect tolerances and enough room to fit all the electronics.
I added some room for electronics/wires/resistors, and then it all snapped together:
Here is a render form in Fusion360
Then printed off many so we can make a few:
Black looks better, so changed everything to black:
As this project will be published in a paper, the design files and information are not all shared. Please request access to the repo if you want to view them.
I have and make a lot of head-worn wearables. So I need lots of mannequin heads. I also want/need heads in CAD to design around. Right now I'm low on heads, so I decided to scan a mannequin head for design and to print more mannequins.
The first head didn't work as I failed to scan the very top and below the chin. I tried to add a second scan, but the orbit was off and so there were two heads that didn't align.
Then I did 1 long scan where I got the top of the head and the chin, and ran the Artec autopilot, and it came out great:
Next, I'll 3d print some of these on an FDM printer with large build volume.