Goal: Stream IMU data from microcontroller to Python application on personal computer Software: Python, Arduino IDE Hardware: Microcontroller (SEEED XIAO ESP32-S3), IMU (Adafruit BNO-08x Breakout) Prior Experience: Streaming IMU data to OLED screen via microcontroller New Methods:
Previously: monitored IMU function on a microcontroller using OLED screen
Now: monitor IMU function on personal computer via serial transmission from microcontroller to Python application
Refer to the previous two weeks for detail on I2C communciation with IMU
Main change is that now the computer is displaying the data instead of the microcontroller
Can also easily implement keyboard/mouse-based inputs that would allow the user to control the microcontroller from the computer
The application uses OpenGL in Python, which is a bit heavy for beginners
But, some lower-level framework is necessary to do realtime rendering of the data at ~100 Hz
Worth checking out the "Taichi" graphics python package as an alternative