Belief Propagation

The belief propagation calculations were done primarily in java. I setup classes for the different gates, which allowed graphs to be interconnected manually. Initially my gates were unidirectional (defining a single output connection for each gate), which didn't seem to work well for problem #2. I expanded the gates to propagate messages along each of the connections, but I haven't quite worked out all the bugs.
[ source code ]

Problem #1

X = (0.396774308501206,0.603225691498794)
X = (0.5495434492859159,0.4504565507140841)
X = (0.5717498162969694,0.4282501837030306)
X = (0.3276120778585072,0.6723879221414928)
X = (0.20222102786127988,0.7977789721387201)
X = (0.193958776691716,0.806041223308284)
X = (0.24935708266630935,0.7506429173336906)
X = (0.28262238905946857,0.7173776109405314)
X = (0.26663320526667134,0.7333667947333287)
X = (0.24331080777804376,0.7566891922219563)
X = (0.23869201890133354,0.7613079810986665)
X = (0.2477513494926365,0.7522486505073636)
X = (0.2547054602401131,0.7452945397598869)
X = (0.2534838379502617,0.7465161620497383)
X = (0.24941834481724728,0.7505816551827527)
X = (0.24798328731083005,0.7520167126891699)
X = (0.24928292304456828,0.7507170769554317)
X = (0.25065527002814425,0.7493447299718557)
X = (0.25068686040445265,0.7493131395955474)

Problem #2



8x8 : On the order of 282
9x9 : On the order of 292 (≅ 131,072x longer than 8x8)
10x10 : On the order of 2102 (≅ 68,719,476,736x longer than 8x8)