from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Poly3DCollection, Line3DCollection from matplotlib import cm from matplotlib.ticker import LinearLocator, FormatStrFormatter import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from numpy import * # Define surface function def Rosenbrock(v): x = v[0] y = v[1] return (1-x)**2 + 100*(y - x**2)**2 # Prepare figure fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') # Initialize number of function evaluations f_evals = 0 # Define function to plot lines def plot_line(v0, f0, v1, f1): A = vstack([v0, v1]) X = A[:, 0] Y = A[:, 1] Z_surf = array([f0, f1]) Z_proj = array([0, 0]) verts_surf = [zip(X, Y, Z_surf)] ax.scatter(X, Y, Z_surf) ax.add_collection3d(Line3DCollection(verts_surf, colors='k', linewidths=0.5)) # Initialize line. Start near (x0, y0) = (-1, -1) v0 = array([-1, -1]).astype(float) f0 = Rosenbrock(v0) f_evals += 1 # Computes the distance between points v1 and v2 def l(v1, v2): return sqrt(dot(v2 - v1, v2 - v1)) # Return local minimum of function along a line # Line begins at v0 and extends parallel to dir def line_minimization(v0, dir): # Declare global variable global f_evals # Define golden ratio phi = (1 + sqrt(5))/2 shrink = phi/(phi + 1) grow = 1/shrink # Generate initial bracket v1 = v0 + dir*shrink v2 = v0 + dir # Bracket minimum min_length = 0.01 while l(v0, v2) > min_length: # Evaluate function f0 = Rosenbrock(v0) f1 = Rosenbrock(v1) f2 = Rosenbrock(v2) f_evals += 3 # Determine location of minimum o = argsort(array([f0, f1, f2])) # Extend or shrink line, use temporary point v3 if o[0] == 0: # Minimum value at v0, extend by golden ratio to the left v3 = v0 - phi*(v1 - v0) # Overwrite previous values v2[:] = v1[:] v1[:] = v0[:] v0[:] = v3[:] continue elif o[0] == 1: # Minimum value at v1, build internal point if l(v1, v2) < l(v1, v0): # Build point between v0 and v1 v3 = v0 + shrink*(v1 - v0) f3 = Rosenbrock(v3) f_evals += 1 # Overwrite previous values if f3 < f1: v2[:] = v1[:] v1[:] = v3[:] continue else: v0 = v3 continue else: # Build point between v1 and v2 v3 = v2 - shrink*(v2 - v1) f3 = Rosenbrock(v3) f_evals += 1 # Overwrite previous values if f3 < f1: v0[:] = v1[:] v1[:] = v3[:] continue else: v2[:] = v3[:] else: # Minimum value at v2, extend by golden ratio to the right v3 = v2 + phi*(v2 - v1) # Overwrite previous values v0[:] = v1[:] v1[:] = v2[:] v2[:] = v3[:] continue # Quadratic interpolation to estimate location of minimum return v1 # Define initial direction set, along system axes D = array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]).astype(float) # Minimize along directions, and replace most influential vector with total change v0_ori = v0 min_step = 0.1 for i in range(80): for i in arange(2): v1 = line_minimization(v0_ori, D[0]) plot_line(v0_ori, 0, v1, 0) v2 = line_minimization(v1, D[1]) plot_line(v1, 0, v2, 0) if l(v0_ori, v2) < min_step: print i break # Overwrite most influential vector with total change D_new = (v2 - v0_ori)/l(v0_ori, v2) dots = dot(D, D_new) D[argsort(dots)[-1]] = D_new # Set new minimum point v0_ori = v2 # Plot Rosenbrock surface X_Rosen = arange(-1.3, 1.3, 0.05) Y_Rosen = arange(-1, 1.2, 0.05) X_Rosen, Y_Rosen = meshgrid(X_Rosen, Y_Rosen) Z_Rosen = (1 - X_Rosen)**2 + 100*(Y_Rosen - X_Rosen**2)**2 surf_Rosen = ax.plot_surface(X_Rosen, Y_Rosen, Z_Rosen, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.coolwarm, linewidth=0, antialiased=False, alpha = 0.3) # Adjust axes ax.set_zlim(0, 600) ax.zaxis.set_major_locator(LinearLocator(5)) ax.zaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.0f')) # Report minimum print 'Minimum location', v0_ori, '\nMinimum value', Rosenbrock(v0_ori), '\nNumber of function evaluations', f_evals # Render plot