import numpy as np #to do with real data; I would have to #1. import the observation sequence where each obs represents a tract with a vector = price frequency distribution #2. calculate emission probabilities for each tract (run for the size of tract dataset) obs = ('G100200P', 'G250400P', 'G450600P', 'G650800P', 'G9002000P') states = ('Residential', 'Commercial', 'Manufacturing') initprob = {'Residential': 0.3, 'Commercial': 0.3, 'Manufacturing': 0.4} #emisprob was defined by Gaussian Probability Density Function (see emisprob = { 'Residential' : {'G100200P': 0.37, 'G250400P': 0.37, 'G450600P': 0.59, 'G650800P': 0.83, 'G9002000P': 0.05}, 'Commercial' : {'G100200P': 0.58, 'G250400P': 0.31, 'G450600P': 0.83, 'G650800P': 0.43, 'G9002000P': 0.49}, 'Manufacturing': {'G100200P': 0.15, 'G250400P': 0.97, 'G450600P': 0.85, 'G650800P': 0.97, 'G9002000P': 0.31} } transprob = { 'Residential' : {'Residential': 0.5, 'Commercial': 0.4, 'Manufacturing': 0.1}, 'Commercial' : {'Residential': 0.3, 'Commercial': 0.5, 'Manufacturing': 0.2}, 'Manufacturing' : {'Residential': 0.1, 'Commercial': 0.4, 'Manufacturing': 0.5} } def viterbi(obs, states, initprob, emisprob, transprob): U = [{}] #initialize an empty set path = {} #initialize an empty path #initialize for z in states: U[0][z] = initprob[z] * emisprob[z][obs[0]] path[z] = [z] #When t > 0, perform Viterbi #for time through length of observation for t in range(1, len(obs)): #U=MIU, this is the saved MAX U.append({}) newpath = {} for z in states: #Recursion, gives max stored in "prob". (prob, state) = max((emisprob[z][obs[t]] * transprob[z0][z] * U[t-1][z0], z0) for z0 in states) #update U as prob U[t][z] = prob #update newpath. Keep track of max seq path at each step newpath[z] = path[state] + [z] #throw away old path path = newpath n = 0 if len(obs) !=1: n=t print_dptable(U) (prob, state) = max((U[n][z], z) for z in states) return (prob, path[state]) def print_dptable(U): s = " " + " ".join(("%5d" % i) for i in range(len(U))) + "\n" for z in U[0]: s += "%.5s: " % z s += " ".join("%.5s" % ("%f" % u[z]) for u in U) s += "\n" print(s) def run(): return viterbi(obs, states, initprob, emisprob, transprob) print(run())