Week 6 - Cellular Automata

Yada Pruksachatkun

(10.1) Simulate the HPP lattice gas model. Take as a starting condition a randomly seeded lattice, but completely fill a square region in the center and observe how it evolves. Use periodic boundary conditions. Now repeat the calculation, but leave the lattice empty outside of the central filled square.

We use this equation

In [2]:
from IPython.display import Image

Here is the video of the result - there's something not quite working yet.

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#!/usr/bin/env python
from numpy import *
from numpy.random import randint
import pygame
import sys
import random
import numpy as np

Code for visualization based off of Sam's code
def draw_states(states):
	n = shape(states)[-2]
	for i in range(n):
		for j in range(n):
			pygame.draw.circle(screen, (255, 255, 255), (int(pix2site*i),int(pix2site*j)), int(.2*pix2site))
			if states[i,j][0]: pygame.draw.circle(screen, (255,0, 0), (int(pix2site*(i-.25)),int(pix2site*j)), int(.1*pix2site))
			if states[i,j][1]: pygame.draw.circle(screen, (255,0, 0), (int(pix2site*i),int(pix2site*(j-.25))), int(.1*pix2site))
			if states[i,j][2]: pygame.draw.circle(screen, (255,0, 0), (int(pix2site*i),int(pix2site*(j+.25))), int(.1*pix2site))
			if states[i,j][3]: pygame.draw.circle(screen, (255,0, 0), (int(pix2site*(i+.25)),int(pix2site*j)), int(.1*pix2site))


# left - 0 , up - 1, down = 2, right - 3.  Based on these, 

How this happens. 
Theres two stages, 
There's rules IN the cell, so you transport in the cell. 
So at step 1a, you have 
1000 (with everything being incoming, all particles are incoming to that cell), 
Then in 1a), 1000 becomes 0001, you pass through that cell, or collide and switch places. 
By the end of 1a), all particles are in the outgoing state, and you want to switch them to become incoming. 
You propagate or transport by looping through 4 times, and then you pass through 4 ways, transporting the previous one 
to the right (use same rules, but here you're moving between particles), and when you mov,e this is incomign ad your'e back 
to the state right before 1a. 
Be careful of not "undoing" the move. 
o -1-> <-1 - o - 0 ->, here if you have 2 outgoing particles that are with each other, they just swithc. 
BUT if they're both incoming, then they collide. 
But everything else seems good. 

rules= {"0001":"1 0 0 0", "0010":"0 1 0 0", "0011":"1 1 0 0","0100":"0 0 1 0", "0101":"1 0 1 0", "0110":"1 0 0 1", "0111":"1 1 1 0", "1000":"0 0 0 1","1001":"0 1 1 0", "1010":"0 1 0 1", "1011":"1 1 0 1", 
"1100":"0 0 1 1", "1101":"1 0 1 1", "1110":"0 1 1 1", "0000":"0 0 0 0", "1111":"1 1 1 1"}

# keep the state of the direction
# Given the cell coordinates, for each of the vectors, show which direction they are going in. 

def a_rules(world):
	r= rules[tuple([world[...,i] for i in range(shape(world)[-1])])]
	return r

def apply_rules_incoming(world):
	for i in np.arange(len(world)):
	    for j in np.arange(len(world[0])):
	    	x = "".join(world[i,j].astype(str))
	    	new_x = rules[x]
	    	new_x = np.array(new_x.split(" ")).astype(int)
	    	world[i,j] = new_x
	return world

def apply_rules_outgoing(world):
	check_state =np.zeros((40, 40,4), dtype=bool)
	# first pass, going through and  oving eveyrthing to the right.
	for i in range(len(world)):
		for j in range(1, len(world[i])):
			if check_state[i][j-1][3] == False:  # 3 is left
				prev_state = world[i][j-1][3]
				if check_state[i][j][0] == False:
					curr_state = world[i][j][0]
					curr_state = 0
				world[i][j][0] = prev_state
				world[i][j-1][3] = curr_state
				check_state[i][j - 1][3] = True # update state to true
				check_state[i][j][0] = True
				# left side, shifting to the right
	for i in range(len(world[0])):
		for j in range(1, len(world)):
			if check_state[j-1][i][2] == False:  # 3 is left
				prev_state = world[j-1][i][2]
				if check_state[j][i][1] == False:
					curr_state = world[j][i][1]
					curr_state = 0
				world[j][i][1] = prev_state
				world[j-1][i][2] = curr_state
				world[j][i][1] = True # update state to true
				world[j-1][i][2] = True

	return world

n = 2*20 #world has n**2 sites
pix2site = 30
radius = random.randrange(1, 10, 1)
sr = 5 #radius of seeded region
world = zeros((n,n,4),dtype=int8)
#orld = randint(0,2,(n,n,4))

temp = world 
world[n//2-sr:n//2+sr, n//2-sr:n//2+sr] = array([1,1,1,1],dtype=int8) # this is the region that is most seeded with 1s. 
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((pix2site*n,pix2site*n))
clock = pygame.time.Clock() 

	msElapsed = clock.tick(10)
	for event in pygame.event.get():
		if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
			pygame.quit(); sys.exit()
	#world = apply_rules_incoming(world)
	world = apply_rules_incoming(world)
	#world = apply_rules_outgoing(world)
	#world = apply_rules_outgoing(world)
	# transport
	temp[:-1,:,3] = world[1:,:,0] # shift to the right
	temp[1:,:, 0] = world[:-1,:,3] # shift to the left
	temp[:,:-1,1] = world[:,1:,2] # shift down
	temp[:,1:, 2] = world[:,:-1,1]
	# bounce back for border conditions
	world = temp

Here is with a central square lattice

In [3]:
import io
import base64
from IPython.display import HTML

video = io.open('/Users/yadapruksachatkun/864.17/people/yada.pruksachatkun/homework/hpp.mp4', 'r+b').read()
encoded = base64.b64encode(video)
HTML(data='''<video alt="test" controls>
                <source src="data:video/mp4;base64,{0}" type="video/mp4" />
# The simulation starts 5 seconds into the video 

And the randomly generated case

In [4]:
video = io.open('/Users/yadapruksachatkun/864.17/people/yada.pruksachatkun/homework/hpp2.mp4', 'r+b').read()
encoded = base64.b64encode(video)
HTML(data='''<video alt="test" controls>
                <source src="data:video/mp4;base64,{0}" type="video/mp4" />

(10.2) Simulate the FHP model, with the same conditions as the previous model, and describe the difference. Alternate between the two possible two-body rules on alternate site updates.

In [1]:
#		   2   3
#			\ /
#        1 - O  - 4
#			/ \
#		   6   5
#  100100 -> 010010 OR 001001
#. 010010 -> 100100 OR 001001
#. 001001 -> 100100 OR 010010
#  101010 -> 101010
#  010101 -> 010101  --
#  100101 -> 101100
#  100110 -> 110100
#  110010 -> 010110
#. 010011 -> 011011
#  011001 -> 001011 
#  101001 -> 001101
# 101100 -> 100101
# 110100 -> 100101
#  010110 ->  110010 
# 011011 -> 010011
# 001011 ->011001
# 001101 ->101001
#  011011 -> 110110 OR 101001
#  101101 -> 110110 OR 011011
#  110110 -> 011011 OR 101101

Important Notes

The tricky part about these is in visualziing adn separating what happens between each half step versus each step and how that effects the simulation.


The applications of this is in temrs of the cellular automata is in simulating gasses and game of life simulations.

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