import numpy as np
class NN:
Adapted from paper:
Theta - K x N
W . S X N
M = N X S
N = num of original sources
S = num of mixed audio signals
W, M, theta, and error
Here, to find E,just add up all the errors for the matrix
E is a matrix since the error fo separability will be different for each point in time.
Here, N =S since mixing matrix A must be invertible.
Currently, this does not converge.Modify so it implements Levenberg Marquett as not to get stuck in
local minimization
def __init__(self, mixed_audio, S, N ,K=10):
# initial first
self.E = 1
self.S = S
self.N = N
self.K = K
self.T = len(mixed_audio[0]) # the number of time steps
self.W = np.random.rand(S, N) # weights
self.M = np.random.rand(N,S)
self.theta = np.random.rand(K, N) # here, k = 10, or current can be approximated by
# the linear combination of the signal at the past 10 time frames.
self.x = mixed_audio
# I'm literally writing it thi sway soit'smore compliable.
def find_params(self):
for i in range(5):
error_1, y, xtilda = self.group_param_1()
error_2, ytilda = self.group_param_2(y)
E = self.E_final(error_1, error_2) # Gets a matrix of the errors for each tau
self.update(y,ytilda, self.x, xtilda)
return self.W, self.M, self.theta, E
def dEdM(self, y_input, xtilda, x):
d = np.zeros((self.N,self.S))
for i in range(self.N):
for j in range(self.S):
d[i,j] = self.dEdMHelper(y_input, xtilda, x, i, j) # where does time come into plaly here?
return d
def dEdMHelper(self, y_input, xtilda,x, i, j):
return np.linalg.norm(y_input[i, :]*(xtilda[j, :]- x[j, :]))
def dEdtheta(self, y_input, ytilda):
d = np.zeros((self.K,self.N))
for i in range(self.K):
for j in range(self.N):
d[i, j] = self.dEdthetahelper(y_input, ytilda, i, j)
# not sure about this - how does the time get involved with dEdtheta?
return d
def dEdthetahelper(self, y_input, ytilda, i, j):
res = 0
for t in range(self.T):
if ((t - i) >= 0):
res += y_input[j, t- i]*(ytilda[j, t] - y_input[j, t])
res += 0 # Just throw away if out of bounds. Makes more sense than wrapping around.
return res
def dEdW(self, y_input, x, ytilda, xtilda):
d = np.zeros((self.S,self.N))
for i in range(self.S):
for j in range(self.N):
self.dEdWhelper(y_input, x, ytilda, xtilda, i, j)
return d
def dEdWhelper(self, y_input, x, ytilda, xtilda,i,j):
d = np.zeros((self.S, self.N))
def num_sum(i, j): # given j, calculate the sum
res = 0
for l in range(self.S):
res += self.M[j, l] * ((np.linalg.norm(xtilda[l, :]) - np.linalg.norm(x[l, :]))
*(np.linalg.norm(ytilda[j, :]) - np.linalg.norm(y_input[j,:])))
return res
def num_sum_2(i, j):
res = 0
for l in range(self.K):
for t in range(self.T):
if ((t-l) >= 0):
res += x[i, t - l]*self.theta[l, j]*(np.linalg.norm(ytilda[j,t] - y_input[j,t]))
return res
for i in range(self.S):
for j in range(self.N):
d[i,j] = (np.linalg.norm(x[i,:]) * num_sum(i,j)) + num_sum_2(i,j)
return d
def update(self, y_input, ytilda, x, xtilda):
self.theta += self.dEdtheta(y_input, ytilda)
self.W += self.dEdW(y_input, x, ytilda, xtilda)
self.M += self.dEdM(y_input,xtilda, x )
def E_final(self, error_1, error_2):
# for each Tau, sum it up.
return np.linalg.norm(error_1, axis=0) + np.linalg.norm(error_2, axis=0)
def group_param_1(self):
# The minimization of this error means the approximation of the mixing matrix A with the matrix M .
# input is time.
y =, self.x)
xtilda =, y)
error = np.subtract(xtilda, self.x)**2
error /= 2
return error, y, xtilda
def group_param_2(self, y_input):
y_tilde = []
for i in range(self.N):
y_bar = []
for t in range(len(y_input[0])):# time
y_barlocal = []
for j in range(self.K):
if ((t-j) >= 0):
y_barlocal.append(y_input[i, t-j])
y_bar = np.transpose(y_bar)
th = np.transpose(self.theta)[i]
y_til =,y_bar)
y_tilde = np.array(y_tilde)
error = np.subtract(y_tilde, y_input)**2
error /= 2
return error, y_tilde
#implement theneural network