import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
%matplotlib inline
from sympy import *
import numpy as np
def rosenbrock(x,y):
return (1 - x)**2 + 100*(y - x**2)**2
def plotRosen(end, res):
x = np.arange(-end, end, res)
y = np.arange(-end, end, res)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
z = rosenbrock(X, Y)
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (12, 10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, z, cmap = 'jet', alpha = .6,
edgecolor = 'none' )
ax.view_init(50, 35)
plotRosen(1, 0.01)
plotRosen(0.1, 0.01) # for fun
Pick stopping criterion and use downhill simplex (Nelder-Mead) method to search for its minimum starting x = y = -1, plotting the search path, and counting the number of algorithm iterations and function evaluations used.
This post helped in understanding the simplex method
To do's:
Ordering scheme of points: worst = xh, second worst = xs, best/last = xl
# in this case use just one point as input -
# might be a little dirty but works for now
def rosen(point):
x = point[0]; y = point[1]
return (1 - x)**2 + 100*(y - x**2)**2
# Downhill simplex / Nelder-Mead method
# possible update moves: reflect, reflect+grow,
# reflect+shrink, shrink, shrinkToBest
# factor along the axes to define the initial simplex this
# also influences the number of evaluations
u = 0.12
# starting points for x & y
xStart = -1.0
yStart = -1.0
# run the downhill simplex method
def simplexDownhill():
initialSimplex = np.array([[xStart,yStart],
S = []
newSimplex = stepSimplex(initialSimplex,rosen)
for i in range(100):
if newSimplex is None:
print("Number of evaluations = " + str(i))
##print("Minimum at = " + str(rosen(S[-2])))
return S[0:-2]
newSimplex = stepSimplex(newSimplex,rosen)
return S
# Do all the steps in the method for each simplex you feed it
def stepSimplex(simplex, f):
# calculate the simplex points to be sorted
z = np.array([f(simplex[0]),f(simplex[1]),f(simplex[2])])
zMax = np.argmax(z)
zMin = np.argmin(z)
# find the mean of the lowest points
xMean = np.average(np.delete(z,zMax))
# assign xh as worst, xs as second worst and xl as "best" points based on z value
if zMax == 0:
xl = simplex[0]; xh = simplex[1]; xs = simplex[2]
elif zMax == 1:
xl = simplex[1]; xh = simplex[0]; xs = simplex[2]
xl = simplex[2]; xh = simplex[0]; xs = simplex[1]
# find vector from xl to xh
v1 = xh - xl
# find vector from xl to xs
v2 = xs - xl
# calc the defined steps: reflect, reflect+grow, reflect+shrink, shrinkAll
xRefl = xl + v1 + v2
xGrow = xl + 2*v1 + 2*v2
xShrink = xl + 0.75*v1 + 0.75*v2
xShrinkToMin = xl + 0.5*v1 + 0.5*v2
# assign those to new array and second array for Rosenbrock values
X = np.array([xRefl,xGrow,xShrink,xShrinkToMin])
Xf = np.array([f(xRefl),f(xGrow),f(xShrink),f(xShrinkToMin)])
# now check if the conditions hold and assign values if they work
if Xf[0] < xMean: #if reflect worked keep going
if Xf[1] < Xf[0]: # if grow worked assign it
return np.array([xh,xs,xGrow])
elif Xf[2] < Xf[0]: # now shrink
return np.array([xh,xs,xShrink])
elif Xf[3] < xMean: # and now check shrink to best point
return np.array([xh,xs,xShrinkToMin])
# and when all of those are done give me the points I want
if zMin == 0: # assign xh, xs and xl to the points
low = simplex[0]; xl1 = simplex[1]; xl2 = simplex[2]
elif zMin == 1:
low = simplex[1]; xl1 = simplex[0]; xl2 = simplex[2]
low = simplex[2]; xl1 = simplex[0]; xl2 = simplex[1]
u1 = xl1 - low
u2 = xl2 - low
return np.array([low,low+0.75*u1,low+0.75*u2])
S = simplexDownhill()
res = 0.01
end = 1;
x = np.arange(-end, end, res)
y = np.arange(-end, end, res)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
z = rosenbrock(X, Y)
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (12, 10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, z, cmap = 'jet', alpha = .6,
edgecolor = 'none' )
for i in range(len(S)):
x1 = S[i][0][0]; y1 = S[i][0][1];
x2 = S[i][1][0]; y2 = S[i][1][1];
x3 = S[i][2][0]; y3 = S[i][2][1];
ax.view_init(50, 35)
Try to show this in 2D
# 2D contour plot just for fun
x = np.arange(-1, 1, res)
y = np.arange(-1, 1, res)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
z = rosenbrock(X, Y)
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (8, 8))
for i in range(len(S)):
x1 = S[i][0][0]; y1 = S[i][0][1];
x2 = S[i][1][0]; y2 = S[i][1][1];
x3 = S[i][2][0]; y3 = S[i][2][1];
plt.plot([x1,x2], [y1,y2], color="black")
plt.plot([x2,x3], [y2,y3], color="black")
plt.plot([x3,x1], [y3,y1], color="black")
plt.contour(X,Y,z, 150, cmap = 'jet')
2D doesn't help so much in viewing the simplex march