Honghao's Rapid Prototyping Basement
1 meter (Bed size)
(Setup Time 15 hours)
X-carve 1000mm
bed size: 800mm x 800mm x 65mm (Expandable) |
Software: Web-based Easel
Workflow: 3D model -> Vcarve(gcode) ->Easel
Things Could Go Wrong:
1. Shaft and screw on each axis's linear actuator will need grease from time to time
2. Belts should be tightened up, or it can secretly lose "steps"
3. Problem no.2 happen on one of the Y stepper motors that drive the X-axis gantry and X-axis end up being unparallel
(Time will slowly make the truth come to the surface. Reliable machines should eliminate slow-kill problems)
Interesting Features:
2. Can make PCB with through-hole package electric component
Interesting features:
Make PCBs
Why can't make surface-mount package size:
1. larger bed size increase relative movements
2. larger bed size will have uneven Z-axis more easily
0.5 meter
GlowForge LaserCutter (45W)
bed size: 270mm * 590mm
Software: Web-based GlowForge App
Workflow: CAD software (svg) ->GlowForge App
Things Could Go Wrong:
1. Temperature sensor sometimes too sensitive and constantly stop machine for cooling
Interesting Features:
1. Beautiful Laser Tube Design
2. Vision System:
a. Ulimited cut size on one direction (∞ * 590mm)
b. Engrave/Cut without CAD file
Interesting features:
Beautiful Design:
a. Integrated Laser tube cooling system
b. Mounted on gantry and remove a set of lens
a. Ulimited cut size on one size (∞ * 590mm)
b. Use the machine as a powertool

Zortrax M300
Zortrax M300
bed size: 300mm * 300mm * 300mm |
Software: Z-Suite
Workflow: 3d model (stl) -> Z-suite (gcode)
Things Could Go Wrong:
1. Large Prints can last days, usually it's not the machine that go wrong
When Printing large, FDM's speed limitation is revealed compared to SLA & DLP
Interesting Features:
1.Built-Platform have holes to make the raft have enough grip and doesn't warp over time.
Form 2, Form 1+, Form 1
bed size: 145 * 145 * 175mm (form 2)
125 × 125 × 165 mm (form 1, 1+)
Software: Preform
Workflow: 3d model (stl) -> Preform
Things Could Go Wrong:
1. Mix Different version Resin
2. Didn't listen to Preform
Noname Shenzhen PCB mill
Noname $200 PCB
(Setup Time 4 hours)
bed size: 150mm * 75mm |
Software: Grbl Control
Workflow: CAD software (PNG)-> mods (gcode) -> GRBL control to drive the machine
Things Could Go Wrong:
1. Hand-assmbled machine with extremely uneven z level
2. blindly controlled without any feedback
3. screws are unfastened over time
Silhouette Cameo Vinly Cutter
Supporting Devices
Home-brew Vent for lasercutters

Material List:
1. Airpurifier
Hepa filter remove particles that have a size of 0.3 µm.
2. Duct In-line Fan
Increase air flow. Create vortex in carbon filter.
3. Carbon Filter
Chemical Obsorption of organic particals.
Resin Print Post-processing Units

a cheap solution could be sanding sponge + sterilizer

Cause of Death: Water Pipe Leaking

Cause of Death: Nozzle Jammed, and broken inside when being replaced

Cause of Death:
2 nozzles not exactly at same height. Uneven Z platform.

Cause of Death:
Board Dead
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What's happening in Shenzhen's Machine to make business
Customized machines modified from models in OEM and open-source machines are slowly migerate to U.S. through ebay and amazon.
taobao (en)
extra fun
fake form1 by form1 OEM
form1 to laser engraver
now selling in U.S.
same thing another company
What are the things Shenzhen Machines Needs to Work on
1. supporting software, supporting devices
lasercutters are all still using corelDraw 6.0 plugins
filters, vent solutions for lasercutter
dust collection for CNC
2. Documentation (shouldn't be just Chinese)
3. slow-kill factors, long term reliability